Friday, February 28, 2020

Week 7 Conference Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Week 7 Conference - Essay Example Hemoglobin is the blood protein that transports oxygen (Cohen, 2013). Blood identification process gets referred to as ABO typing. The type of blood one has depends on the presence of blood proteins known as antigens in the red blood cells. The first step involves blood getting drawn from an individual and gets mixed with antibodies to determine the blood type (Cohen, 2013). The blood type gets determined on whether the blood agglutinates with the antibodies. The second step is called back typing where the liquid part of the blood gets mixed with blood that is either type A or B. Blood typing also gets carried out to determine the presence of rhesus factor on red blood cell surface. Jim got triaged in the resuscitation area. The staff present was a physician and two nurses. The physician who can be an M.D or D.O oversees the patient’s condition by conducting tests on the patient. The nurses administer the drugs to Jim as indicated by the physician. Aspirin got provided to Jim to act as an anticoagulant to prevent further clotting if possible. Morphine got provided to relieve pain or discomfort experienced by Jim. Nitroglycerine also gets provided to decrease blood pressure and increase blood flow by opening up blood vessels around the heart (Cohen, 2013). tPA gets provided to break down clots in the bloodstream around the heart. Principles of coronary bypass surgery: bring blood and oxygen to the heart muscle by creating a ‘bridge’ through a healthy artery. The blood passes over the blocked artery to ensure a normal blood flow down the blocked area. A heart attack refers to a situation where there is the occurrence of a sudden blockage in the coronary artery. This causes a stoppage of blood flow towards the heart muscle. This condition damages the heart muscle causing improper function of the heart. Heart failure implies that the heart’s pumping power is lower than normal (Cohen, 2013).

Tuesday, February 11, 2020

Different between large city and small city Research Paper

Different between large city and small city - Research Paper Example Apparent differences between New York City and Terre Haute are mainly due to the people that inhibit those cities. Being a large and popular city New York City is home to many famous Hollywood celebrities and is in full swing from morning to midnight. New York City has a plethora of malls situated in its streets including Trump Tower, Kings Plaza Shopping Center and Marina, Manhattan Mall, and Queens Center just to name a few. Terre Haute may lack in activities however it also has numerous malls including Honey Creek Mall, Nancy’s Downtown Mall, and Shadylane Antique Mall while some are located far off. Also, transportation system and the way of getting to places are different in the two cities. For instance, having a large population traffic jams are quite common in New York City due to congestion. According to Aaron Couch, New York City dwellers experience at least 42 hours of delay per year (n.pag.). As a result people prefer travelling by public transport: bus, subway, tax i, etc. Terre Haute, on the other hand, has a relatively less occurrence of severe traffic jams as compared to New York City. Overall, there are so many activities a person could do and there are numerous places to go to in New York City while Terre Haute has a limited number of activities for recreation and entertainment. However, Terre Haute beats NYC to traffic congestions. One of the major advantages for a person living in Terre Haute is the cost of living there. It is significantly lower than the one for New York City. Apartment rents are way cheaper in Terre Haute. In New York City the monthly apartment rent for a one bedroom apartment ranges from $2370 to $3100 (Numbeo, n.pag.) as compared to $425 to $500 for a one bedroom apartment in Terre Haute. Also, the costs incurred due to restaurant, market, transportation, monthly utility bills, sports, leisure, clothing, and rent amounts to a huge chunk of the salary of a New Yorker. All these expenses are significantly low for a pe rson living in Terre Haute. If asked about people’s preferences then a person would prefer to live in New York City despite its high cost of living. The apparent reason is that Terre Haute is a small city and hence has lesser job opportunities and subsequently a lower pay rate. With the perks and benefits and the standards of living one would enjoy in New York City, these are almost absent in Terre Haute. Therefore, despite the low cost of living more people prefer to live in New York City. High crime rates have often been associated with New York City. The reason is quite straightforward. Being a large and populous city there are more opportunities of crimes including robbery, homicide, rape, motor vehicle theft, assaults, and so on. Also, since the city houses richer people demographically the crime rate is higher than any smaller city like Terre Haute. In fact, Terre Haute has a significantly low crime rate even though a prison is there for wrong doers. However, to not men tion the decreasing crime rate in New York City would be unfair. There has been a decline in the crime rate from 1999 to 2011 from 459.9 to 254.5 (City Data, n.pag.). Many consider this decline a mystery while others have put forward many reasons for this decline in the crime rate including the change in policies, growth in the number of police force, and so on. Even with this plummeting crime rate, Terre Haute still has a very low crime rate as compared to New York City